Our Classes
White Gi + rashguard required for Gi classes
Gi Adult - All Levels
Open to all adult students, this class offers a balanced approach invaluable for the novice or seasoned practitioner alike. The curriculum will include the basic, fundamental, and advanced techniques and positions of jiu jitsu. Live sparring will be scaled appropriately to the present students; always with a heavy emphasis on competition preparation.
Beginners Youth Jiu Jitsu
Open to children starting at 4 years of age, this class introduces the fundamentals of jiu jitsu. Circuit training reinforces body position, awareness, strength and flexibility. Drilling promotes comfort with physical contact and partner training. Games keep class fun and engaging.
Intermediate/Advanced Youth Jiu Jitsu
Open to children starting at 5 years of age, this class explores more complex movements and techniques to build young athletes' skills. Curriculum expands on the competitive aspects of jiu jitsu while keeping practice fun. Discipline and accountability begin to take shape to form strong, confident athletes.
Open Mat
Always free and open to jiu jitsu practitioners from any academy, this one hour block of time can be used to drill, spar, stretch or discuss techniques and upcoming competitions. Choose to train in the gi, nogi or both - these sessions are open format. White gis only please; rashguard required gi and nogi.